Thursday, 14 June 2018

Setting up Satellite APRS/Packet IGate - with OpenWebRx, Direwolf and CDR - Linux

We'll I wanted to see if the ISS APRS / Packet radios actually in operation and being actively used. Based on the information @ ARISS Home Site there is activity in the last 3-7 days.
2018-Jun-25 - In the last 24 hrs I've been reading that there are in fact several other satellites that provide APRS / Packet Digipeater via same frequency 145.825 MHz. Also its looking more and more like the ISS is not functioning correctly or at all. So I'll continue to monitor and see what I can hear.  For now have rename the title of this post from "ISS APRS/Packet IGate" to hopefully more generic "Satellite APRS/Packet IGate"
So with the same method I'm monitoring our local APRS @ 145.175 NFM (see "Setting up an APRS IGate with OpenWebRx, Direwolf and CDR - Linux" ) I've set up the following monitoring of Satellite APRS / Package activity on 145.825 MHz NFM:

export SDR_SAMPLE_RATE=5000000
export SDR_GAIN=IFGR=35,RFGR=2
export AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE=48000
export AUDIO_GAIN=0.32
export FREQ_CENTER=145500000
export FREQ_MON=145825000
export FREQ_MON_BW=12000
export FIR_DISC_FACTOR=`python -c "print float($SDR_SAMPLE_RATE)/float($AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE)"`
export FIR_DISC_TRANS_BW=`python -c "print float($FREQ_MON_BW)/float($SDR_SAMPLE_RATE)"`
export SHFT_ADD=`python -c "print float($FREQ_CENTER-$FREQ_MON)/$SDR_SAMPLE_RATE"`
export DW_HOME=/home/drifter/sdr/aprs/sat
export DW_CFG=$DW_HOME/direwolf-sat.conf
export DW_LOG=$DW_HOME/logs
nc -v 4951 | csdr shift_addition_cc $SHFT_ADD | csdr fir_decimate_cc $FIR_DISC_FACTOR $FIR_DISC_TRANS_BW HAMMING | csdr fmdemod_quadri_cf | csdr limit_ff | csdr deemphasis_nfm_ff $AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE | csdr fastagc_ff | csdr gain_ff $AUDIO_GAIN | csdr convert_f_s16 |  direwolf -c $DW_CFG -l $DW_LOG -a 10 -t 1 -n 1 -r $AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE -b 16 -d aupim -


Lets see how it goes over the next week or so

73 de VK4TMZ

1 comment:

  1. How has this been working for you? I have been running a Direwolf+APRS-IGATE+GPS+Raspberry Pi receive-only iGate and I'm about to switch it over to the 145.825 frequency to monitor space-based APRS signals for a few days.

    73 and Thanks!
    Jack K6JEB
